
Course Duration:2.5 Months  /   Career: Flutter Developer

About Flutter

Flutter is a free and open-source UI framework for creating native mobile applications from Google. Released in 2017, Flutter allows developers to build mobile applications with a single codebase and programming language. This capability makes building both iOS and Android apps simpler and faster. The Flutter framework consists of both a software development kit (SDK) and their widget-based UI library. This library consists of various reusable UI elements, such as sliders, buttons, and text inputs. Developers building mobile applications with the Flutter framework will do so using a programming language called Dart. With a syntax like JavaScript, Dart is a typed object programming language that focuses on front-end development.

Flutter Architecture

Flutter is comprised of three architectural layers. Here is a quick breakdown of each one:

  • Framework- This is the more “visible” part of Flutter’s technology. As already mentioned, this layer of Flutter’s architecture in based on Dart. The rich set of libraries in this layer can be divided into multiple layers, such as the basic foundational classes, the widget layer, and the rendering layer.
  • Engine- This layer is written in C/C++. The engine provides a low-level implementation of the Flutter framework, as well as other core APIs, e.g. graphics, accessibility support, text layout, and plugin architecture.
  • Embedder- The embedded is a platform-specific layer that allows the Flutter app to run on any OS. .

What you will learn after attending our Digital Marketing classes:

  • You Will learn Flutter with Dart
  • Practical assignments at the end of every session.
  • Offline Training and Course Video Recordings - Life Time Access
  • Over 80 lectures and 90 hours of content
  • 100% placement for deserving Students
  • Certification after completion
  • Assignments and Real-time Projects